Wednesday, October 23, 2013

cules to next world

ok  so i have been seeing a lot of people talking about the new world maybe coming out soon! and i seen a lost of clues people may have miss  but i see one clue that tops every thing look at the photo down below.

so as you see the floor it looks like a web and you know she is the spider queen and look at the lamp the lamp is shape like an egg and you know her minions are spiders they follower her every were I'm guessing we will have to fight a lot of them just guess form the looking and clues   and here is a other clue

so see they is even something thing you can pull form  this quote  "it's time to go back home to the and my celestial chair it will be beautiful and magnificent " hmm what could this mean I'm thinking shadow land one place i can think is dark moore and what what song? could she have taken it? and this let me guess i bit and i found one  clue that a few people miss
 could this be it it show a bit of what she was saying the shadow part but the part that make it a bit more right the door is missing so that can show why is it missing  no one know yet but i guess that maybe she is trying to stop us form getting to her but you know wizard's they will  all was find a way !!!

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