Monday, January 13, 2014

The Start Of Are Wizard101 Adventures

Yong wizard in the school of art's today is a big day i start are first ever Wizard101 Adventure Time :D lot of you been asking for it so lets get start

The Test Of A Wizard 

so the headmaster gives you to spells to use one is a firecat the other is a troll spell as you stop Malistire minions you should be fine the head master will give you some tips on how to us a spell and how to heal your self so i don't want to give away all the fun for you new comers you will have to start for your self and let the fun begging :D you will meet a lot of great people along the way i have one of my best friend brooke will be with me in my "Fun around the spiral W101" just something new to see if it works for my blog if not i will still keep it here for every one to enjoy it but i will not keep on update it but i don't believe that would happen and i know my P101 post are a bit back but trust me i will make one as soon as i can :D and hope you enjoy this blog post and be safe out there and hope to see you around the school of art's from your friend~Hunter tail

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