Monday, March 24, 2014

A NEW Sneak Peek BEST One Yet!!!

Yohoh me pirate's in the sky 

today we have great new's let's get start with what we have so fair ok first one up  a few day's ago pirate101 post this photo on there site
this was form the Newsletter  of march sorry i didn't do this month one but any who: who; who could this guy be? what does he want how does it tie in with all them other clues and peeks  but not it now they add something new to the game a few day's ago pirate made this 


and they have a lot of stuff to look at  but i just pull some cool stuff i found 

if you want to see the more stuff coming to Skull island just Click this photo down below
and when you click the photo right on top of this you going to see a other thing i didn't show you the FIRE TEMPLE   and when you get there you will notice a new kind of pet and that take's me to the whole tope of this blog post


YES  you can guess what i mean by that, no? will let me tell you 
YES Today Massively so this great but before i get into more deatils about this let me tell you know  TEST REALM IS  coming SOONER  then we may think it should be some time this month or evern better some time this week so keep your eye's on twitter and Pirate101 ok now i'm so happy to be talking about this cuase i love pet's and the one's in pirate101 only got one thing going for them and that would be cuteness but now they are updating that ok let's get the low down on all the 

The Low Down 

 so Pirate101adding the ability to PvP in a pet battle arena as well as a new quest that details the new advanced pet system. KingsIsle has penned a lengthy dve diary explaining how everything works. You can read it after the cut.

 Pirate101 Bestia panorama

O: a little sneak peek into how the place will look  also found at  Massively and here what they had to say "That's right! Now announcing a new era of Advanced Pets: Skull Island has been asked to participate in the Great Petathelon on Bestia in the Circus Maximus, the grand new Pet Pavilion in the Free-to-Play area of Pirate101!" free to play that just awesome plus were not done yet may be a little different than what you're used to! You'll be sending your Pets out to train on world-based activities (Like Crane Meditation in Mooshu or Hay Bailing in Cool Ranch) while continuing on with whatever you were doing previously in Pirate101.
In general, Pet training activities take three things: Time, Energy Cost (you'll have a new orange globe by your health and mojo potion indicators), and most require special pieces of Pet Gear. After training your Pet, you'll be given a chance to feed your pet a snack to grant them even more experience or stat upgrades!
 what kind of new gear? hmm...  l new Pets can be found on vendors, as loot, as quest rewards, or purchased from the Crown Shop. When you get a new pet, it'll start out as an egg. Once a Pet's egg hatches, you train your Pet to increase its level and improve its combat abilities both in regular combat and in the Pet dueling arena. Once your Pet levels up high enough, you can combine your Pet with others through morphing to create new Pets with the traits of both!


Yes i know this is great new's for you pet lovers and mostly for you that kind of don't like how weak your pet may be  but they is a bit of change to all this our old Pets will be converted to Advanced Pets at a level that ensures you keep the power of your original Pet, but Pets no longer level as your Pirate does. If you don't train your new Pets, they won't grow up. There's a new Pet quest that's going to walk you through everything you need to know about the new Update hmm i wounder what that pet could be. but we are not done yet Your Pet's chances to appear in combat is variable with new talents that can cause them to appear more often, but the really great news is that now each round they will have a chance to show up

The Fight Begins

Yes  i do mean pet pvp and other stuff like this and with this comes As Pets gain levels, their combat prowess improves, their size increases, and they unlock new talents and powers.There are all new badges for Pets and even one for finding hidden pet snack vendors. There's an all new Pet Battle Arena on Bestial as show above that a little peek of what it will look like. Now players in Pet Battle PvP, or practice in a Pet Practice Match. Select up to four of your Pets to enter the arena! You unlock the ability to fight with more than one Pet by competing in Pet battles and earning badges. Fight 5 battles and you unlock the ability to fight with two Pets. Compete 15 times, and you unlock the ability to fight with three Pets. Compete 30 times to unlock the ability to fight with all four!
To do well in Pet battling you'll need to cheer and cast the right powers at the right times. sounds like a card game to me or maybe it's like how we fight but just in a pet kind of way i guess ooo i got a great idea from that a golden chest that has a little pet theme on the top of the chest but any who.
 Once the battle is over and whether you win or lose, you earn Pet gear and perhaps some snacks. Winning the battle grants richer rewards, and the number of opponent Pets raises the rewards even higher hmm what sounds great just wondering what the gear will look like may be a AQ (AQ is Aquila  just in a short way) theme  cause every thing so fair look like a AQ theme but 

How Does It Work?

 Well they did say it's like something you never seen before so it's going to be more moving then wizard101;
Pet's will have 10 potential talents or powers, but it will only unlock one new talent or power each time it increases its age rank. In general. lots of useful talents and powers in your Pets' pedigrees; in fact both Talents and Powers will be able to be used in combat 
 Well This All I Know As Of Now
Age ranks change every ten levels. The age ranks and what they unlock are as follows:

Level.................... Age Rank.................... Unlocked Abilities 
1-10..................... Hatching.....................
11-20.................... Baby ..........................1 talent
21-30.................... Teen.......................... 1 power
31-40.................... Adult.......................... 1 talent
41-50.................... Ancient....................... 1 power
51-60.................... Epic............................1 talent
61-70.................... Mega........................... 1 power
@_@  will that's something new  but do remember This Your pet's will no longer level up as you Level Up you must train it or it will never grow up and snacks are coming to the game hmm will they be a snacks boss hmm mayb he is a snack boss him i guess we will never know until Test Realm and when test realm comes and when test realm close this update's will be made to the game so get ready for them

Great New
I'm happy to announce; i know i lot of use like the way that in Wizard101 you can put your pet's and Mount's in side your house Well hey!! now you can

I well keep you all more update on this and o my gosh i can't wit i hope your soo happy about this new Updates coming to the game  Hope to see you all in the Sky's and maybe soon Training your pet to be the best that it can be; be safe out there form your Friend~Arthur

P.S. leave a Comment down below and let me know what's the best part to all this 


  1. I can't wait to test this new pet system! :D

    1. i just can't wit i just hope they do it before my member ship runs out :d
