Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The tides Has Change

Yohoho me pirate's in the sky today Pirate101 need your help in voting  for the showdown form Mabinogi V.S Pirate101 the votes are still coming but form the looks of the numbers we are on the line of losing but with your help get the world out vote your self for Pirate101 and i'm guessing we have to sail to the magic realm ask even Wizards if you have to if that will make us win why not try to make people that don't know about the voting but know about the game vote but remember you are the KEY to who will win this SHOWDOWN so just click  the photo above and it will send you right to the site so pick wisely be safe out there hope to see ye in the Sky' sailing for all that loot and fame form your good friend~Arthur

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